RNase Free Procedures
RNase Free Procedures#
While keeping samples free of contaminants is important in any sample preparation, it is especially important for RNA because living things, including your skin and breath, contain RNAse that will degrade RNA.
Clean everything! Clean with RNaseZap (or a similar product). Generally clean your bench surface, pipettes and anything your RNA will be touching directly (eg the scalpel when cutting gel) with RNaseZap regularly.
IMPORTANT: RNaseZap also damages RNA, so make sure you dry off everything before exposing it (aka chemwipes).
Ideally work on a RNase free bench and use RNase free pipettes that are never used for non-RNase free work (eg any protein or cell work)
Use filter tips which will stop cross-contamination when pipetting.
Always wear gloves (your hands have plenty of RNases), if you touch anything that is not RNase free either get a new pair of gloves or wash gloves with RNase zap.
Do not breathe over your sample (made easy with masks!)
Store all RNA at -80°C and do not leave it at RT for long
When aliquoting from stock solutions, it is good practice to wipe your pipette with RNaseZap and use filter tips.
Label all your RNase free equipment!